
you're my obsession: elephant revival

Elephant Revival is a band I've come to love very much during my time here on the island. They come every year to San Juan Island. Peggy my partner in chicken farming is the most adoring mother of the lovely Bridget Law who is the talented fiddle player for Elephant Revival! Small world, huh?!

The quintet of Elephant Revival take the stage to make the Island move!
In perfect Revival form the feet were dancing!
The talented fiddle playing Bridget 
Washboard & bass.... making beautiful folk music.
Bonnie even plays the saw, which I LOOOOVE!
Playing well into the evening...

The band travels extensively so if you've never seen them I highly encourage you to check them out when they venture your way. Keep your eye on their tour dates. Be sure to tell Bridget San Juan Island and Erinn misses her! 

life is whizzzzzing by.....

Yup, fell off the radar AGAIN, sorry!
I've been working my arse off with the two jobs here on the island and bashing away at my debt whilst trying to stay outta trouble. I promise to start posting some of the fun shtuff I've been doing when I'm not working or sleeping!
Again Sorry, and I hope your Holidays have been amazing!