Traveling with cats is.... an event. I wish I could say I've figured it out or "got it down pat" by now, but no. We have moved from Phoenix to Friday Harbor & now Friday Harbor to Austin together. All I've truely figured out is how difficult it is and how much cats hate moving vehicles. I hope they're getting a little bit used to it as they do snuggle up and sleep for most of the travels now instead of meowing the whole way.
Jasper hates his crate. He hides under covers to avoid the reality of it. |
Doris in the driver seat while parked on the ferry. |
Safety of the hotel bed covers. |
Doris happy to no longer be in her cage in a moving car. |
Jasper exploring the room in Amarillo, TX. |
Where the heck are we?! Checking out their new home. |
Doris & Jasper did make it here like little troopers. Doris did get car sick twice, poor thing. They have settled into their new home and are back to their busy schedules of eat, sleep, poop, repeat!