
new adventure

So.... I have left the island in hopes of making more money to get me to London faster! Island life was amazing but the seasonal working aspect made my knocking out debt goal difficult. I found a massage therapy job in Austin TX, which seems to be a dream job, so I moved!
 I packed up my Mini Cooper with Jasper & Doris, my shoe crafting shtuff, a few kitchen necessities, and clothes. A five day adventure across the country with one car breakdown in Wyoming got the 3 of us to our new home in SoCo (south congress neighborhood) Austin! 
I'll keep you up to date with my new adventure!


crafty shtuff: amy butler gumdrop pouf

Before I left Phoenix I bought this Amy Butler Gumdrop Pouf pattern with enough Amy Butler fabric to make 2 Large Poufs! Let me just say that's a ton of fabric. I've been hauling this dream & fabric around for over 3 years... 3 YEARS!? I've had 12 bags of Eco-friendly poly fill as well. My poor family & friends who had to help me move this around from home to home have all, properly, given me shit about when the "F" am I going to do this project!
Well I finally did it! (well one pouf at least)

Getting started.... w/ espresso
Cutting the pieces in hopes they will line up. 
Check out the yards of fabric...
This is actually the first big sewing project I've done on my new heavy duty Singer!
Not too shabby for my first time lining up a printed fabric
The top patch covers up the not so perfect, yay!

Very pleased with my semi-straight lines.
Jasper & Doris love their new cuddle spot!
I'm sure eventually I'll get around to making the second one, but I swear I will not purchase the next 12 bags of Eco-friendly poly fill till it has been stitched together!


hair harvesting

Back in February I took a trip to Phoenix to see friends and to insure my house was still standing after 3 years of tenants. I also decided it was time to harvest my insane amounts of hair that had been growing for the past 2ish years. I went to my beloved hair stylist, Alecia, at DollyRockers Salon in Anthem AZ. 
And we chopped 11in off and sent it to someone who needs it more than I!

And how much disappeared?!

Check out how long those braids were in October!