
island life: san juan island distillery

Gin, Cider, & Spirits....oh my, oh my! The San Juan Island Distillery is one of my favorite hidden gems of our island. I've only been there twice due to not being independently wealthy. (Work really gets in the way sometimes.) The 2 times I have been were wonderful, the first was 3 summers ago when they first opened & the second this July. I've seen them grow immensely in that short time with new gins and spirits and oodles of awards for their products! 

Rows of spirits to imbibe...
Westcott Bay Ciders from San Juan Distillery, yum.
They even have a bad ass Mini!
Love the copper still....
Suzanne, myself, & Becky tasted all they had to offer!

After this latest visit I have a new favorite gin...their Spy Hop Harvest Select which is made from only Washington apples. This gin would be a sipping gin no need for tonic. Though a refreshing G&T on a hot summer day is divine!


shoe-spirations: fluevog

My favorite shoes and the driving force behind the naming of a sassy chicken! These shoes are odd, vintage-y, chunky, funky and make my soul sing-y! I'll say it... John Fluevog I love you for making these whimsical Shoe-spirations! I am blessed to own 3 pairs, & wish I had more... is there a Fluevog addicts anonymous?

1st pair: Mini Gorgeous

2nd pair: I don't know what they are called...

3rd pair: Together Hi Benatar

Maybe one day I can intern/apprentice with the Fluevog company in Vancouver?! That would be dreamy....


getting fair ready: part deux

Holy fart buckets.... It's July! The fair is a month away! Sh*#!
So you may remember I had high aspirations of taking the fair by storm with entries galore....
This years high aspirations (circa march):
Knit sweater
Sew a dress
Design & make a pair of shoes
Knit skirt
Can something

So... I'm still working on the sweater. Good news is the body of the sweater is finished and just the arms need to be knitted and the attached. I love how that sounds so easy written down. Ha?! 

Other promising forward moving news: I've just read how to can/preserve! My mother gave me a fabulous book Canning for a New Generation which has made this age old art sound possible for a girl whom has never done such a thing! Which means I will still try to accomplish this fair entry. Though it will not be from the beets from my own garden as my beet plants are still 1" tall. 

I still plan to enter shoes as I am hoping for a best of show ribbon this year. I figure as I will be the only entry of had made shoes it should get a big ass ribbon! We'll see what the judging panel thinks though....
That makes three feasible entries from my list of ridiculously high hopes from March! Wish me luck, I need it!

This years high aspirations (revised):
Knit sweater
Can something
Design & make a pair of shoes
Sew a something?!